2018 Northern Wisconsin State Fair

This year’s fair came and went so fast that I’m finally publishing the blog on the final day of the fair! Two of our Miniature Herefords went to the fair for Junior Fair, Ava and Liberty. The other two, Matilda and Carly, went to join them on Friday for the Open Show over the weekend.

Julia had a wonderful time showing the two during the Junior show and she received first in Beginner showmanship with Ava.

Raylee and Jack showed on the weekend along with Julia and Marie. Ava accompanied both Raylee and Jack in Showmanship and was a very happy yearling heifer.

Raylee showing Ava
Jack showing Ava

Kairi also hung out at the fair most of the week along with Marie, Jeff, and Kayla. Brady, Tonya, and Nick also spend time there!

Kairi and “Papa Jeff”

With almost all my favorite people gone most of the week, especially my mom-Marie, I cannot wait for them to bring the cattle home tonight so I can spend some quality time with her.

Luckily, Erika and I stuck around the farm and got chores taken care of around here this week. Erika told me that everything was going well at the fair when she went to visit as well!

The next show that these animals will go to will be the Iowa State Fair next month!

Now, I will patiently wait for the trailer to arrive back home tonight so I can spend time with my family!

Until next week, Wally the trusted Border Collie

Ps-Marie will be at the Chippewa Farmers’ Market again this upcoming Thursday from noon-6pm.