Spring into it

Woof woof! Wally here, your trusted border collie that run circles around the animals at Sandy Acres. I’ve been meaning to give you all an update since February, but well, we slid into the beginning of April already and I am finally here.

Let us first discuss the winter we’ve had… it has been so mild and so much fun to spend time outside! February lambing went pretty well with the nice weather. Ultimately, in February, we had 53 ewes lamb with a total of 111 lambs bouncing around; 57 ram lambs and 54 ewe lambs. The grandchildren came over right away as they were being born to give cuddles.

Sadly, my brother–the miniature austrailian shepard named Trixter who was nearing his 16th birthday, went over the rainbow bridge in the middle of March. He and I have had so much fun over the years! He loved this farm and adored Marie. Bonnie (the old english sheepdog) and I (the border collie and mastermind behind all shenanigans at the farm) knew he was ready to go, but it is always sad to see a beloved pet, a dog, and friend go. He will always remain a part of every family member’s memories and in our hearts forever.

On other fronts, 2024 calves are continuing to arrive, and in May, another crop of lambs will arrive. Spring is here!

I’ll bark at ya again soon with more updates from Sandy Acres. Until then, love ya.. bye! WOOF WOOF!

Sincerely, Wally