Independence Day!

Hey y’all! Happy Independence Day! I’m back! We’ve been busy getting ready for the fair, doing farm and field work, and helping family as their lives change as well! I will also be back next Friday after Marie and Kayla settle into the fair (they will send me pictures, wink wink). Plan on me coming with farm updates every week again.

First and foremost, today, I want to thank all the veterans and current military men and women as well as their families for their service to this country. They have sacrificed so much so we all can have the freedom we have. Thank you for all you do! I hope everyone has enjoyed a wonderful “Fourth of July” and celebrating Independence Day in the USA.

We are eagerly preparing for the fair next week and weekend with the cattle. Raylee and Jack, Jeff’s nephew’s children, will be showing beef at the fair this year for the first time. We are all super excited!


A new addition to Brady and Tonya’s family arrived since my last blog post! This makes Kairi a big sister to the new puppy, Kukes. The puppy comes to visit with his family and enjoys time with all us other dogs! We are a blast as you can imagine. I love having a new puppy friend!


This last photo is from this morning! The beef came running in as the rain began to fall! They are lucky to have luscious grass as well as a dry shelter to go to.

Marie will be back at the Chippewa Farmers Market next Thursday, July 12th. If you would like any meat between now and then (or any time), do not hesitate to contact Marie via phone 715-579-2917. We will gladly help you at the farm get your meat order!

Until next Friday! Warm wishes, Wally the trusted Border Collie