2023 is here!

Woof woof! Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s already 2023? 

Last Friday, I watched as the trailer left the driveway packed full of supplies and cattle for the Denver Stock Show. I knew I’d miss Marie but I also watched how excited she’d been preparing the animals for the show.

I’ve been reflecting upon 2022 and how quick that year went. The year included that trailer leaving for six shows/events: The Block & Bridle show, Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals, Northern Wisconsin State Fair, Iowa State Fair, Minnesota Beef Expo, and Kids & Cows.

Bryanna showing Emalee how to show a heifer at Iowa State Fair

Also… 2022 included LOTS of births… the list of new babies running around the farm in 2022 included: 2 miniature donkeys, 43 calves (22 bulls and 21 heifers), and 253 lambs (134 rams and 119 ewes). I got to tell you that all those baby animals kept me on my “paws”… I had to teach the new calves and lambs who the boss dog was around this farm. I ended up making friends with them all and licked their faces regularly too.

So, as we swing into this new year, we already have two new calves running around to start the year out strong! I can’t tell you how excited I am to see all that this year brings. 

Additionally, I only have one more long day to await the return of my favorite human, Marie.

Woof Woof! Yours truly, Wally (the trusted boarder collie)