The Stork Arrived

There are babies everywhere around the farm and in the family!

It all began with lambs starting to arrive in early February. All in all, we had 56 ewes in the first round of lambing have a total of 124 lambs. Right now, we are expecting a few more… one just had twins this week and three of her flock-mates will be lambing very soon. Then, a true second round of lambs will arrive in May.

Kayla with lamb and Emalee.

On February 9th, the Pagenkopf’s welcomed their second granddaughter into the family. This is Kayla and Nick’s first child. They didn’t know if they were having a boy or a girl, so they were surprised and had a GIRL! Everyone was so excited! The running bet was whether the miniature donkey or the human were going to be born first. Well, the human won this round!!! The beautiful baby girl was named Emalee Marie.

Two days after Emalee’s arrival, the second baby donkey finally arrived. I think Emalee and this donkey will be friends and enjoy growing up together. The jenny (female donkey) was named Miley. She’s super friendly and loved by everyone.

Miley (donkey), Kayla, Nick and Emalee

Alright, so with all this talk about babies, I bet you think that has to be all the babies born over this past couple months at Sandy Acres and in the family… Well, we haven’t talked about the beef yet! So far, we’ve already had four calves born with many more on the way.

If anyone has met me, y’all know that I love spring because it means that my mom, Marie, spends even more time outdoors and amongst the livestock which is my favorite place to be!

I’m looking forward to keeping the updates coming your way as spring progresses!

Sincerely, Wally (the trusted Border Collie at Sandy Acres)