March into April!

Last month was full of snow turning into water AND babies!

All in all, we’ve had a dozen calves already this spring! Out of those twelve calves, we had nine heifers (girls) and three bull (boys) calves.

In addition, we are working with show animals for the upcoming fairs this summer.

March welcomed the arrival of 111 lambs out of 43 ewes. We start lambing again on April 10th!

We will have lambs for sale this year, so if you are interested in the Katahdin Breed of sheep, please contact Marie 715-579-2917.

With all this fresh, spring air, us dogs have truly enjoyed getting to spend our time outside in the sun racing around!

Friday, March 29th, we hosted a fun painting event at the farm. The humans all painted calves and had a wonderful time!

We are, as always, open by appointment for your beef or lamb needs! Please call Marie today to get yours! 715-579-2917 (Lamb makes an EXCELLENT Easter meal choice!)

Until next time! Yours truly, Wally the trusted Border Collie