Crops are in the Ground

Hey everyone!!! As of Friday evening, all the 2018 crops are in the ground. Jeff finished planting the last of the soybeans Friday, and now, he and Kayla plan to start haying this upcoming week.

Turbo and Dancer were let out to pasture this week as well! So, the view driving up the driveway and looking out the windows of our house make everyone smile. Marie enjoys drinking coffee while gazing out the window in the morning. I lounge on the chair and await word that we are going to work!

Friday, we weaned the lambs and they adapted quickly. Everyone seems pretty content!

All in all, it was a wonderfully busy week at the farm. We were back at normal weekly tasks including training the beef for the upcoming fair that will be quickly upon us in Chippewa Falls during mid-July.

See you again next Friday!

Yours Truly, Wally the Trusted Border Collie