The New Helper

Good afternoon y’all! Big announcements today! First of all, we finalized the plans this morning for our Spring OPEN HOUSE!!!! The Open House will be on Saturday, May 19, 2018 from one o’clock until four in the afternoon with a farm tour at two thirty. Please come join us for this exciting event. We will be having meat samples and offering a special on meat purchases that day.

Another big thing happened this week. After evaluating the time that feeding the individual lambs was taking throughout the day, we all decided that investing into an automatic milk feeder would be a smart decision for the farm, the humans, and for the lambs’ health. The machine warms water, deposits power, and mixes small batches of milk while the lambs are sucking on the nipples. This allows them to eat whenever they are hungry throughout the day and night. There are six nipples on the feeder and we divided the lambs in two groups, older lambs and younger lambs.

THE feeder


The lambs drinking on the feeder

We still spend time with the lambs including looking them over to make sure we stay on top of their health, meal consumption, and growth. Plus, everyone enjoys giving these lambs a little love…and the lambs love the humans, especially mom! However, I’m personally excited because that means my mom, Marie, has a little extra time for me and to do other farm work with me! We even started doing yoga this week together, NO JOKE!

Marie getting loved by the lambs

Now that we got this “assistant” up and running, we are all impatiently waiting for spring. Brady, Jeff and Marie’s son, is getting married at the end of May to his bride, Tonya. The wedding ceremony will be on the farm. So, Jeff and Kayla are ready to get into the fields as soon as possible so field work can get done. Plus Marie, Erika, Kayla, and us dogs are planning to do lots of landscaping and fence painting. So, we are hoping for spring…very impatiently.

I can’t wait to see how the next week goes so I can update you again! Have an amazing week!

Warm wishes, Wally