It’s raining lambs… hallelujah!

The fun has begun! We all impatiently waited as Wednesday passed, therefore no one lambed a day early, then Thursday and almost all of Friday passed also. However, it all started Friday afternoon about 4:40. Sweetie had twin ewe (girl) lambs! Only a couple hours later Sunny had twin ewe (girl) lambs as well. Since last Friday, March 2nd, until my “five o’clock Tuesday Tally”, we’ve had a total of 17 ewes lamb (females have babies) with a total of 34 lambs. A few sheep had singles, while others had twins, triplets, and even a couple sets of quads.

Tuesday morning while Mom was bottle feeding a few of the bottle lambs, Jazzy and I got to spend some time introducing ourselves and playing with the lambs. It was awesome! We leave the lambs with their mothers usually, but if she doesn’t have enough milk to sustain all of her lambs, then my humans help out. Currently, six lambs are getting bottle raised. Everyone enjoys bonding with the lambs. They are so cute and sweet!

Saturday night, we also had a new kid born. It’s a girl! She’s a Boer Goat. Isn’t she adorable!?

A couple months ago, Mom and Dad (Marie and Jeff), went and got a baby Standard-sized donkey to join the farm. We haven’t introduced him yet! He is going to be a working donkey, just like I am a working dog! My family shows beef cattle and donkeys can help with the training of calves to lead. Gus absolutely loves people, hugs, and leads like a champ. 

Next Wednesday, I will update y’all with a new “five o’clock Tuesday Tally” as more sheep will be having lambs throughout the week! AHHHH, so much fun!

Until next week, Wally