Celebrating Marie’s Birthday at the Farm

Woof, woof, hooray! Wally, the trusted Border Collie and Marie’s right hand “employee” (paid in treats, hugs and opportunities to herd), writing here today to say…

Today is Marie’s birthday! She’s super special to all of us animals here at the farm, so help us wish her a happy birthday and exciting year ahead.

This morning, I started the day with a ride in the horse drawn cart with Marie and her granddaughter, Emalee.

This year has been full of fun including cattle shows: Block & Bridle Show, Northern Wisconsin State Fair, and Iowa State Fair. Along with sharing the show ring with her experienced and amazing crew, two of her granddaughters also joined her this summer at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair. Kairi (who has shown before and is so excited to do it again) and Emalee (who is only 3 1/2 but decided that showing Lydia was something she was definitely going to do!) had a great time joining the crew and are both looking forward to it next time.

In addition to the fair, the grandchildren have all enjoyed time around the farm. They enjoy playing lambs during lambing season in the spring, helping with chores, playing with cattle, and riding horse.

There are more shows coming up next month with the Kids & Cows event at the Barron County Fairgrounds in Rice Lake on October 12th, 2024 with the Minnesota Beef Expo a couple weeks later. I plan to stay back and handle things here at the farm, “woof, woof”, but I know Marie and her show crew will have a ton of fun.

Next week, Monday, September 30th, 2024 will be the final Farmers Market on the Farm of the 2024 season, so please come support the vendors! Grab some apples, baked goods, honey, jams, or meat! Marie will continue to be open on Monday afternoons from 3:00-7:00 for meat sales each week after that.

Now, lets take a look at a photo that was taken this morning with Turbo and our amazing cart ride that I am featured in… Gosh, I’m one lucky dog to have my day start this way!


Woof woof, catch you next time.

Sincerely, Wally (typed today in collaboration with Marie’s daughter, Kayla)

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