This Saturday, May 19th 1:00PM until 4:00PM
Petting zoo (entire time): goats, lamb, miniature horse, miniature hereford, miniature donkey, potbellied pig
Special Open House Meat Purchase Specials!!! One being: get a 10% gift certificate on whatever you purchase this time to come back again next time.
We will be offering SMALL SAMPLES of our newly introduced brats, as well as gyro meat, beef burgers, and lamb meatballs so you can take a taste before you buy.
At 2:30PM, we will offer a farm tour to anyone interested in seeing the farm.
There is a door prize drawing at 3:45PM that all adult attendees can sign up for that day and a coloring table for kids.
Come out and enjoy the day! Grab some meat to grill that night or anytime! We look forward to seeing you there.
(Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.)
“Wally’s Farm Adventures”-the blog will be out again tomorrow!
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