Fun with Lambs!

Hi Y’all! As I come to you this week, I’ve been helping the humans with lambing for the past few weeks, however, this 2018 chapter of spring lambing is quickly coming to a close. With only four ewes left to lamb at our ‘Weekly Five O’Clock Tuesday Tally’, we are almost done (two more sheep lambed since then and before I finished my blog).

However, our Five O’clock Tuesday Tally was 59 lambed with a total of 131 lambs! WOW!

I included a video this week of some of the fun we’ve been having! Check out this link: Fun With Lambs!

One of my favorite jobs is keeping the lambs faces clean during milk feeding time of the bottle lambs. As I said a couple weeks ago, most of our lambs are raised by their mothers, but sometimes their moms have more lambs than they can support or don’t produce enough milk, then we, the humans and I, help out! I also clean up the bottle rack when the lambs are done eating. It seems they always leave a few drips just for me to enjoy.


My favorite job: face cleaning!


Jeff spending time with the lamb while visiting with Marie.

Next week, I will start bringing more news from around the farm. Have a Blessed Easter this Sunday, and come back next week for the conclusion of Spring lambing and some other awesome news from around the farm!

Warm Wishes, Wally the trusted Border Collie